

The MFA in 电子综合艺术 provides an interdisciplinary context in which to explore interrelationships between emerging forms of electronic and digital technologies. Areas of study include print media, 综合设计, video arts, sonic arts and interactive arts. The objective of the Master of Fine Arts degree (MFA) is to prepare you for a career in 电子综合艺术.


Campus Locations




至少需要60个研究生学分. 作业的回顾安排在期中和每学期结束时进行.

  • ART 501工作室选修*(专业以外)
  • ART 523工作与分析
    This course functions as the primary forum for group dialogue among 电子综合艺术 MFA students. 课堂上定期进行学生作业的小组评议, allowing for the development of understanding how artwork is produced and the ability to contribute insight to others. The goal is to provide you with a strengthened sense of context from which to proceed as an artist.
  • ART 524电子策略(非时制) & ART 526电子策略(基于时间)
    This course is required of first-year graduate students working in 电子综合艺术. These courses, 每门课间隔半个学期, 是专门为您提供扩展媒体独特工作室的经验. 实践包括:视频, 数字/模拟声音, print media, fabric printing, digital drawing, 互动艺术与装置. The courses focus on the impact of digital media and how it functions in constructing personal languages of contemporary electronic art making. 实验被广泛探索.
  • ART 525 Advanced Electronic Arts*
    电子综合艺术专业研究生每学期必修课程. You will register with the Electronic Integrative Arts faculty on an independent study basis. 本课程是一个自我生成工作室工作的机会. 在第三和第四学期, 本课程的主要重点将是论文准备.
  • 写作论文准备-环境影响评估
    The studio is supported by a written thesis report that includes a detailed statement about the work, a technical documentation of materials and processes used and electronic documentation of thesis work. 这份文件存档在斯科尔斯图书馆. The course is structured as a seminar with all second year EIA MFA students participating.
  • ART 681 Thesis*
  • ARTH 660第一年研究生研讨会
  • 至少一门艺术史/批评课程

In addition to studio advising and critical reviews of work by the full team of core faculty in Electronic Integrated Art, 所有的研究生都在一系列的研讨会上获得学分, art history, 工作室选修课和与其学习领域相关的技术课程.

第二年, students work in seminars and individually with advisors on a written thesis as a supporting document to their MFA thesis exhibition. 论文展览在艺术与设计学院的福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊,罗伯特C. 特纳画廊或经批准的其他地点.

Degree requirements include two years of residence and a minimum of sixty graduate credit hours. Critical reviews of studio work and evaluation of progress in the program are scheduled at midterm and the end of each semester.

Applicants for admission should hold the baccalaureate degree with the equivalent of sixty credit hours in studio courses. A portfolio 完成的作品可以被认为相当于一些工作室课程.

除了所有学生需要的成绩单和推荐信, applicants to the MFA program must present a portfolio showing competency in their art practice. 当提交作品集给 Slideroom be sure to indicate the program for which you are applying and provide appropriate portfolio.

The 艺术与设计学院 at Alfred University offers graduate study in multiple divisional areas: Ceramic Art, 电子综合艺术, Sculpture/Dimensional Studies (concentration in either glass art or sculpture) and Painting. 申请人应明确他们申请的是哪个MFA项目.

All applications are made through the Graduate Admissions Office and all supporting documents and the portfolio must be submitted to the Graduate Admissions Office by January 15th of the application year. 只有填妥的申请才会转交给学院评审委员会. 一月份入学的申请不予考虑.

Accepted applicants must make a $200 deposit and return a signed contract as directed in the notification of acceptance or their acceptance becomes void.

In addition to a grant for full tuition waiver for both years of residency in the program, each MFA student in Electronic Integrated Art is guaranteed an assistantship for every semester of the two-year program. 研究生助教奖学金包括三种类型:助教奖学金, 教学实习, 还有一个设施协调员. 在所有情况下,学生每学年获得7,000美元的津贴.

Graduate teaching assistants are intended to support the graduate candidate by providing first-hand experience in academic teaching and experience in the oversight of a large and complex facility. All assistants have a commitment of approximately 10 hours/week to meet the requirements of the stipend. 作业是在教员之间协商完成的, 学生和系主任在每学期开始时.

The Division of Expanded Media supports the multidisciplinary mission of the 艺术与设计学院 by providing an integrative, creative and professional approach to art making using the tools and technologies of print media, video arts, 综合设计, sonic art, 互动艺术和生成艺术. You will explore both traditional and emerging technologies and synthesize personal understandings between the two.

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